Inspiring creatives and soul guided entrepreneurs to follow the #1 asset to their craft and business success — intuition.


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Keynote Talk: 4 steps to use your intuitive guidance for a successful creative business

50 minute talk

When you are disconnected from your intuition you constantly struggle with indecision and prosperity. For us creative entrepreneurs intuition is the inner voice that:

  • Helps you access your unique gifts and creativity

  • Aligns you with the right resources to make better decisions to help your business thrive

  • Helps you tap into your innate power and brilliance

  • Delivers the truth void from your logical brain

But how do you learn to practically utilize and trust your intuition, especially in business!? 

In this talk I share my 4 steps on how to tap into your inner guidance and easily apply and integrate it into your business decisions. At the end of this talk you and your audience will walk away feeling clear and confident on how to use your intuition to lead your creative business.

Seriously–today’s class on intuitive decision making was TED Talk status.
You’ll walk away feeling clear and confident on how to use your intuition to lead your creative business.
Trust me on this one – Laurel’s talk is What a treat to have her powerful spirit in the classroom with us.
— Olivia Carson, Copywriter, Seattle WA

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