You need clarity, but not just answers — you’re here to tune into your inner compass so you can feel the knowing in your bones.

Here are some ways I can support you…


Schedule a Tarot Reading

$222 for 75-minute reading over Zoom

You want to feel a full-body YES (or at least a definite no) about which way to go, which option to choose, which opportunities to take. But your vision is foggy and the path unclear. You need clarity, but not just answers — you’re here to tune into your inner compass so you can feel the knowing in your bones.

A Tarot Reading is a deeply intimate experience which provides insight to areas of your life that may be cloudy or confusing offered in a therapeutic and integrative way. I deliver clarity that is both comforting and empowering to help you move forward with practical concrete next steps and guidance.


Classes, Workshops & Events

Are you curious to explore more about Tarot and Intuitive Training?

I offer classes and events for every level or commitment and curiosity.


Mentorship & Long-term Support

Intuition works the same way as building muscle and getting your body in shape. It takes time and practice to build that strength, but once you do it’s easy and incredibly helpful in both work and life.

If you’re not listening to yourself, how do you expect true abundance to come from you?

Put your decision in the hands of others -  they can only teach and lead you from their own experience. 

When you’re not listening to your Intuition you experience blocks and struggles like...

  • Feeling stagnant or stuck

  • Fear of making a wrong decision

  • Making bad decisions that in hindsight were littered with red flags

  • Not going after what it is that you really want to do

  • Not making as much money or abundance as you desire and feel you should be making

  • Staying dependent on a system and putting up with work that is out of alignment with your vision and integrity

To learn more about private mentoring please email me directly at